too long; don’t listen
tl;dl is a podcast for those looking for career inspiration. The latest tl;dl season - the PMM talk - focuses on product marketing stories to help you shape your marketing skills. Alongside expert-led interviews, I am adding solo episodes covering career challenges to help you do what feels right for you. Let’s shape our career journeys together!

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
In this podcast, Andres talks about building the first social media app for music lovers, Vollou. During the pandemic, Andres and his business partner Callum discussed the challenge of trying to remember the name of songs and memories at parties. Together, they decided to solve this problem by starting Vollou. Andres talks about the journey of being a founder, and the challenges he encountered.
If you want real-time updates from TL; DL, you can join me on:Patreon Community 🚀 Instagram 🤳 LinkedIn 💼 🐦 🎥
00:00 Welcome & Introduction01:30 Deciding To Start A Business 03:05 Vollou: Social Media For Music08:15 Collaborating With A Cofounder10:30 The Pandemic11:25 Differentiating Yourself15:50 Supportive Ecosystem17:07 The Biggest Challenge20:00 Personality Test: The Debater22:40 Tips & Closing

Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Aziza is a Marketing Manager at Amazon. From Med School in Belgium to Politics & Economics in London, Aziza talks about choices she made to go from pharmaceutical studies to becoming a Marketing Manager (Full Time) at Amazon who's now pursuing Business Analytics studies (Part Time) at Imperial College. Tune in to hear about her decisions and choices.
If you want real-time updates from TL; DL, you can join me on:Patreon Community 🚀 Instagram 🤳 LinkedIn 💼 🐦 🎥 Welcome & Introduction00:54 Initial Career Choice: Medical Studies01:37 Career Shift02:52 Work-Life Balance: Amazon and Imperial College03:31 How did you know when to make the next move? 06:29 Moving Countries08:15 Developing Good Habits11:42 Personality Test: The Protagonist13:38 Challenges16:03 Tips & Closing

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Dasha is a Senior Associate at a boutique strategy consulting firm. After spending 3 years at Gymshark, she decided to do pursue a MSc Strategic Marketing at Imperial College where she quickly realised that she wanted to start her own business, Lila Wolken. In this episode, Dasha talks about starting her headband business, while working Full-Time at a strategy consulting firm.
If you want real-time updates from TL; DL, you can join me on:Patreon Community 🚀 Instagram 🤳 LinkedIn 💼 🐦 🎥
00:00 Welcome & Introduction
03:40 Working at GymShark
06:43 Starting Lila Wolken 16:45 Embracing Feedback and Trying New Things
19:48 Work-Life Balance
23:05 Personality Test: The Defender
26:46 Tips & Closing

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Zhanto is from Kazakhstan. When he got accepted to Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST in South Korea), he thought he wanted to pursue a career in Neuroscience. He quickly realised that he was drawn to the world of coding. This is why he decided to follow a career in tech; from Cisco to Google, here's his career outtake.
If you want real-time updates from TL; DL, you can join me on:Patreon Community 🚀 Instagram 🤳 LinkedIn 💼 🐦 🎥
00:00 Welcome03:30 Introduction06:30 Coding As A Passion10:40 Building A Support System14:00 Work Ethics In South Korea vs. Poland17:50 Choosing Where To Go Next21:30 Personality test: The Executive21:40 Tips & Closing

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Khulan is the pure embodiment of Women in Tech. Originally from Mongolia, she grew up in Czech Republic to then study her BSc at SOAS University in London, where she quickly started looking for a way to make money through Part Time jobs in Marketing and Design. She used that experience to apply to Adobe where she secured a Solutions Consultant, to then join Google as Cloud Solutions Consultant in New York City.
If you want real-time updates from TL; DL, you can join me on:Patreon Community 🚀 Instagram 🤳 LinkedIn 💼 🐦 🎥 Welcome02:44 Introduction07:00 The London Life14:00 Career Challenges17:30 Overcoming Rejection As Women In Tech20:57 Joining Google26:30 Personality Type: The Protagonist28:00 Closing

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Ilyes is a Quant researcher at Marshall Wace. After studying at l'X, he pursued a PhD in Machine Learning at UCL for 4.5 years. Following this, he decided to become a Quant researcher in one of the biggest hedge funds in London. Ilyes shares his experience, and talks about the challenges of doing a PhD at University College London.
If you want real-time updates from TL; DL, you can join me on:Patreon Community 🚀 Instagram 🤳 LinkedIn 💼 🐦 🎥
00:00 Welcome & Introduction2:00 Why Did You Want To Study Engineering?
04:30 Living in Tunisia, France & The UK
06:00 Ph.D. In Machine Learning
09:00 Picking Machine Learning As A Career Path
11:00 The Ph.D. Experience
14:00 Overcoming Challenges - The Idea of Failure
17:30 Separating Arts From Research22:40 Personality Test: The Protagonist25:44 Closing & Conclusion

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
After studying BSc Management Science at UCL, Shaig wanted to explore the world of Finance, so he decided to pursue a MSc in Finance at London Business School. In this episode, Shaig takes us through his experience from Investment Banking at City Bank, to starting his own company.
If you want real-time updates from TL; DL, you can join me on:Patreon Community 🚀 Instagram 🤳 LinkedIn 💼 🐦 🎥
00:00 Welcome 02:52 Introduction09:25 From Management Science To Finance11:20 The Challenges Of StartUps19:30 Starting A Business22:30 Personality Test: The Executive25:00 Closing

Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Ahmed is a founding engineer at Heron Data, a fast growing tech startup in London, where he’s contributing to a £1M ARR. He takes through decisions he had to make to get to this position today.
If you want real-time updates from TL; DL, you can join me on:Patreon Community 🚀 Instagram 🤳 LinkedIn 💼 🐦 🎥
00:00 Welcome & Introduction2:25 Why London?6:00 Decision-Making Process7:45 Reaching Career Clarity 9:30 Surrounding Yourself With The Right People15:40 Pushing Others18:30 Career Challenges 22:16 Heron Data24:00 Personality Test: The Consul27:00 Tips & Closing

Why Too Long; Don't Listen?
Originally from Tunisia, I’ve always contributed to helping students and young professionals achieve their career goals back home. I then became a Student Ambassador at Imperial College and started receiving lots of career-related questions. Because I care about making an impact, I decided to start TLDL, a podcast for knowledge-share and inspiration. So, tune in and get inspired!